15510 Herriman Blvd Noblesville, IN 46060

Getting Started

Please Read Through Our 6 Steps Before Moving Forward


Sounds Like This Is For You

Who Would Benefit?

Struggled with your weight for some time.

Tried all manner of diets: Atkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers, or more.

Exercise route with no results except losing hundreds of dollars to gyms.


Prescription Adipex

Physician Monitored And Finely Tuned

This is the longest used and most prescribed weight loss medication, when used in prescription strength and form. This is not over the counter, herbal stuff. Unlike a lot of clinics that charge extra to do the appropriate monitoring, we include all of that in the program for you in house. We want you to win in weight loss!


How Adipex Works

Serious Weight Loss

Adipex (phentermine), when used appropriately, does two things: it helps curb your appetite, and it increases your metabolism. Both are key pieces of the puzzle to positive results. You really can’t beat that when it comes to weight loss.


Medically Managed

It Is Important To Have a Physician

While Adipex (phentermine) is safe when taken under medical supervision, there are some conditions that would exclude some from taking the medication. While we want everyone to succeed, we also want our patients to be safe. If your testing comes back showing that Adipex (phentermine) is not a good fit, we can utilize other medications to help you as well.


Medical Exam

A Panel Of Labs

These help rule out metabolic disease that could be affecting your ability to lose weight. Additionally we include an EKG, a body composition analysis, and an advanced metabolic rate test (the same test that many high performance athletes take to help tailor performance diets). This explains exactly how many calories you can eat to still lose weight as well as if anything is going on in your body that may impede your program. The first appointment provides more knowledge about your metabolism than you have ever had before. The more knowledge you have about yourself, the more likely you are to win in weight loss!


Time To Commit

If you made it this far, then you are ready for the next step. Medical exams and prescriptions are not free. We work to keep the medical exam reasonable so that you can know your full weight loss position.

To begin your journey, click the link below, pay the $225 evaluation fee, attend the follow-up appointments, keep on top of your food intake, and take your proper doses of medication.

Your success lies ahead!

Indy Weight Loss

With obesity being one of the most common health hazards fin the US, people oftentimes are in a need of help. Our weight loss clinic does provide help!

The Weight Loss Journey

The vast majority of physicians will not discuss weight loss with their patients other than telling them to eat less and exercise more. How crazy is that? We are committed to helping you reach your weight loss goal. Our medically managed weight loss program is customized for you.

  • Decrease risk of developing diabetes
  • Lower Blood Pressure
  • Lower Cholesterol
  • Decrease in heart disease

Find Out What Indy Weight Loss Can Do For You

It's never a good idea to go onto a weight loss journey alone. Use our medically managed weight loss service. Get started today!

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